Registration Fees

  • Early Registration Rates - Dec. 2024 to March 7, 2025
  • Regular Registration Rates begin March 8
 Registration Category Early  Late 
 APHMG Member $850 $950
 Non-Member $925 $1025 
 Trainee $600 $650
 Accompanying Guest/Spouse $450 $475
 Sponsor Delegate (if not incl. in package) $850 

Please Note: Hotel reservation deadline is April 1, 2025.

Rooms may be available after this date but are not guaranteed. We strongly advise booking EARLY, as we usually fill our block several months before the deadline.

Registration Information

  • Registration is open to anyone interested in attending.  If you are not yet an APHMG member, we encourage you to join and save on your combined membership/registration vs. non-member rates!
  • Deadline to register online: APRIL 15
  • Trainee delegates will be required to produce relevant credentials/proof of student ID

What's Included?

See lists below for details on registration inclusions.

Note: Hotel reservations are NOT included in the registration fee and must be made separately using the group link. 

Attendees are required to stay at the host hotel or an additional surcharge of $100/day will be charged.

Delegate Registrations include:

  • Access to all scientific sessions
  • Access to all poster sessions
  • Welcome Reception
  • Daily breakfast (included in room rate)
  • Daily coffee breaks during the meeting
  • Group Lunches on meeting days
  • Group Dinner on final evening
  • Interactive networking with sponsors and exhibitors
  • Group Excursion *NEW this year!*

Social Guest fee includes:

  • Welcome Reception 
  • Daily breakfast (included in room rate)
  • Group Lunches on meeting days
  • Group Dinner on final evening
  • Group Excursion *NEW this year!*
  • Interactive networking with other guests & attendees
  • Access to sessions is NOT included for Social Guests

Social Guest Payment

Social Guest registration is only required for those seeking to take part in the dinners or excursion but will not be attending any sessions.  Guest Registration may be added at the same time as conference tickets OR after registering for the conference.

If you need to pay for guest registration separately from your attendee registration (i.e. using two different credit cards), then you must complete your attendee registration payment FIRST, then email us with a request to add your guest (remember to include their name). We will add them to your registration and send an updated invoice for the social guest portion.

Trainee Definition

For the purpose of APHMG meeting registration, the definition of a “Trainee” is a member/non-member delegate who meets at least one of the following criteria:

  1. An undergraduate, graduate, genetic counseling, medical or other healthcare professional student at an internationally recognized university or college.
  2. resident who is in training at an accredited or internationally recognized university/hospital training program.
  3. postdoctoral fellow who has completed an MD and/or PhD who is currently under the supervision of
    mentor (or advisor) for the purpose of acquiring additional training at an accredited or internationally recognized university or college.

A limited number of Trainee Travel Grants will be available for the annual meeting.  Trainee Travel Grants include complimentary registration and 3 nights of hotel accommodations at the conference hotel.  To Apply, submit an ABSTRACT for the meeting and complete the Trainee Travel Grant section.

Cancellation Policy

From registration to April 1, paid attendees may cancel their registration with full refund, less a $100 cancellation fee.  

After April 1, no refunds will be given for any cancellations or no-shows.

Please refer to the instructions below for complete details on the APHMG cancellation policy:

  • All cancellations must be provided in writing. Written cancellations must be emailed to  
  • We understand that plans may change due to circumstances beyond your control. If you are unable to attend the APHMG Annual Meeting, you may transfer your registration to another individual without penalty. Identify the person attending in your place and provide complete contact information.
  • If you must cancel, please do so in writing prior to the deadline.  APHMG will refund your fees according to the schedule above. We regret that we cannot refund any fees after April 1, as we must submit complete commitments for our meeting vendors

APHMG Privacy Policy

© 2022 Association of Professors of Human and Medical Genetics     305-661-5581 c/o TLC Events Group

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